Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heh. I need to be more attentive to this...

I went up to Adventurer's Guild in Riverside and it's a very cool store. I met 3 guys named Jason, Jason... and Jason(?) and had a very good game. I lost with seven kill points to Jason's eight, and I realized that not only do I need to step up my game from a tactical standpoint but also in regard to painting.

It gave me a good incentive to haul my paints out and give my Marines a much needed highlighting and I'm pretty pleased with the result. We'll see what the judges at the SoCal Smackdown think.


  1. It was nice meeting you.
    Hopefully you can join us today at 5:30

  2. Congratulations on meeting so many people named Jason, sounds like a good bunch of dudes. Best of luck to you with the new store and players!
