Monday, August 16, 2010

My first battle will hopefully be this evening!

I'm headed down to Pair a Dice games in a little while to try to find a pick up game. It'll be good to shake the dust off the models, and hopefully get a little bit of 2000 point practice in before the SoCal Smackdown. From what I can tell on Dakka, this area seems to be full of competitive gamers so I'm looking forward to the challenge.

I have to say that it's nice to live in a place where there's events taking place per month, and that I can attend a GT without getting on a plane!

My main conundrum is whether or not to bring my Necrons to the tournaments... Is it a lack of confidence that holds me back? I feel like I'm good with the army, but is it true what they say? Is the Necron Codex truly a total suckfest in Fifth Edition? I win more than I lose with them even now, but I haven't dared take them to a Tournament. The Assault Terminators and Psychic Hood in my Space Marine have maybe become a bit of a crutch. Though, since I named this blog "My Penitent Crusade" maybe I ought to stick with the Hands of Vengeance.

The reason for the blog's title is that my friend Droofus and I started two armies at about the same time, his being Waagh! Grubbynutz and mine being the Hands of Vengeance Space Marine Chapter. We learned our armies, and each others', inside and out over countless games and eventually had a pretty extensive fluff history for our respective armies. Anyway, the last game we played was a 4,000 point Apocalypse blowout that resulted in the Greenskins conquering my chapter planet, thereby rendering my Astartes fleet-based. So here we are...

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